Hey guys, I recently made a fun little Fortnite Quiz app available for the Google Play Store! It will soon come to the iOS AppStore but I'm still waiting for the review If you want you can submit new questions for the game via twitter! Here are both Links Android & iOs in case the iOS version gets accepted Android: *CLICK* iOS AppStore: *CLICK*
i was watching this kind of apps for a while to see if i can make one I am afraid that your app will be suspended like the others that I was watching for using the word fortnite
As long as I use „Fortnite“ in Quiz FOR Fortnite it should be fine. But they could reject it because of the other metadata but I‘ve gone theough many rejections I have an avengers quiz too and the only problem with that is the logo I use in the app that is resembling the Avengers. - Noah
It’s not going to get accepted. You can’t use fortnite in your title. If it some how gets approval get ready for a Notice of Complaint. Haha making an app with a game maker haha nice job for thinking outside the box . Come up with your own ideas; try not to benefit off other popular games. Good luck, best regards
Also I wouldn’t have submitted that app/game. It just creates more clutter/spam in the App Store. Sorry I’m just being blunt. Best regards
If you want to make apps Swift is a very very easy language to learn and if you come up with original ideas you can greatly benefit. Don’t use Buildbox for apps that’s just nonsense.
Wow great nice app man, but one question, you created many world ui in the mind map to put the questions right? not in scenes in the world? and if yes how many did you create? I am just curious because I have a guess this song type game and I create a lot of world ui and it becomes laggy :/
Did Apple approve your Fornite app yet? Lemme guess rejected for spam? Considering you don’t own the rights to “Fortnite”. Lol
Be careful, I had 2 apps that are Messi and Cristiano wallpapers, and some company reported them to google that I don't have the rights to make these apps, next time don't use famous brands, celebrities, video games, movies etc... even if they accepted them the first time a couple of months later they will suspend them
Hey Darius The app finally went out of review, but because of a rejection based on metadata. But this is just because I had the word „Free“ in the app title Its in review again now and I‘m hoping its going to be released for iOS very soon because theres a lot of traffic on the android version already! - Noah
This was the longest time any app was "In Review" for me lol. It was in that status for about 2 weeks @DariusGuerrero
Wow! Haha glad you stuck with it. That 2 weeks would have made me very impatient. Longest I've gone is 6 days. I guess the advice I've read from somewhere about removing the build and resubmitting because it may have been a human error was wrong. Congrats! And great (but very risky) idea leveraging today's most popular game. Hope it pays off
Thank you Darius! The app has already got over 2k downloads on android and now its apple's turn! Let's see how it turns out!
Just seen it on google, very smart idea i made a pubg soundboard and did quite well but ive got to make a different name as its been suspended for the name Pubg in it
Just because it got approved doesn’t mean a company can’t send you a App Store notice and or sue you. Just be careful I doubt fornite would want take your app down though. You might want to form an LLC so your personal assets can’t be taken from you in a lawsuit.