Hello boxers, This year, while I took a break from mobile game development, I noticed something. I used to send tons of emails to Publishers, hoping that they would answer positively, or at least answer. I often got nothing or rejects, especially from big companies. But now, it looks like everything is different, I stopped sending mails, it's the Publishers that send them to me, they're finding my games on the App Store by themselves and contacting me to test them, etc. So, I Wonder if it's just the market that has changed, if Publishers started to spam developers to get higher chances of publishing hits, as Voodoo did a while ago when they built a huge Community of 1000+ developers working for them. Let me know your thoughts. Have a great day, Dan p.s. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean by that that I have a great success, even if publishers contact me, I still published nothing with them.
while big companies will always expect you to go to them, (saved them time and effort) its always common practice for upstart companies to go out and search for people to work with. its easy for them as well, because they can clearly see if you went with a publisher or not. Basically, if you are unrepresented, they will try and sell themselves to you.