Error In Building Android (help !) - App Compile Debug Aidl/execute Dofulltask Action

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by George L., Apr 15, 2019.

  1. George L.

    George L. Boxer

    Feb 23, 2019
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    Recently I am getting this error when I try to build my project in Android Studio (I did not modify anything after generating the project with BB)

    If I dont update the gradle i get an error about Aapt2, if I disable the Aapt2 I get the below, if I update the gradle i get the below

    Under: app compile debug aidl/execute dofulltask action I get:
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while executing process

    Has anyone encountered this ? If so how can it be fixed ?

    I have tried to fix it but with no luck so far :(
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2019
  2. George L.

    George L. Boxer

    Feb 23, 2019
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    Ok, so I think I managed to find the issue or at least two possible issues:

    1. The folder name of the generated project from bb should not have a too long name (most probable this is the one as once I started to save the project folder with a small name the issue seems to have dissipated) I think it also affects if the path to the project is to long as well. Maibe the aapt2.exe or aidl.exe does not support long paths

    2. Another cause maybe the antivirus, it could block the aapt2.exe or aidl.exe from android studio

    Either way seems that after I modified the project folder name to a short one, i don't see the issue anymore. :)

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