hi I tried to export in android studio 3.0.1 through PC 64 and 32 bit systems As a result of for two systems (64-32) there was such error APK after installation and starting the game on the device I checked Application managerWhen I tested game on Buildbox everything works) and the game a little slow down. How to make APK everything works and optimized?
You have to tell us more information. What version of BB do you use? How many Atlasses do you use? What is the size of your APK? Do you have lighting effects? What version of Java JDK do you use? What version of Android do you use? The more data you tell us about your problem, the better.
Thanks jcalle! Buildbox 2.3.3 Atlasses 2 Size my APK 12.25 mb. No i dont have light effects jdk1.8.0_121 Android studio 3.0.1 here's a video as I did export to APK in android studio https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QeQJxZI1QtGeiRAT9qEAb9L5Z47qY2xU
You are generating an unsigned APK, a test APK. You have to generate a final APK, with a KEYSTORE. Try to perform a test on your phone according to the video. If you have problems, you can buy my services to build the APK. http://www.bbriver.com/market/i-build-your-game-to-apk Send me a private message with the Android export folder, and I will tell you if it is possible to make the correct creation of the game, before you make the purchase.