Different fading tails for characters

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by Rebel Studios, Sep 26, 2015.

  1. Rebel Studios

    Rebel Studios Avid Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Hey guys... Hope can get some help here... We are currently creating an upward bounce game... We would like to know how is it that we can create different types of tails for each different characters (such as those in The Line Zen) which has that faded effect...

    We have tried to put in objects as spawners in the character animation and activated by character jump. However what we got is the object dropping out of the character like poop instead of a tail... Also the objects is not able to fade away such as those in The Line Zen.

    Really appreciate if anyone can help us out here... Thanks a whole lot in advance :)
    Jamie likes this.
  2. stevinz

    stevinz Avid Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    The fade is done as an animation inside the object used as the tail. You have to create frames for the animation that fade out, and then a lot of blank frames so that the animation does not start over before the character has had time to move the screen past the spawned object.
  3. Rebel Studios

    Rebel Studios Avid Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    @stevinz ....Thanks for your suggestion. We definitely will try it.. However what we also wanted was the tail to be activated when pressing the jump button... & each character to have different fading tails... We've tried to pull in the trail into the character but it just wont go in... hahaha... :D... any luck on this? Thanks once again
  4. stevinz

    stevinz Avid Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    You can't drag a trail into the animation box. You have to get creative with object spawners. Have an object that spawns with some velocity in the jump animation if you only want it to show when he's jumping. You're gonna have to be a little creative. I had wanted to use different trail effects with different characters as well, but unfortunately that seems like a no go right now. You will have to use objects. Thats what they do in Line Zen.
    Sean Buildbox likes this.
  5. Rebel Studios

    Rebel Studios Avid Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Hahaha.... >.< it's still comin' out like poop... I guess we'll just have to keep toying with it and come out with a hack for this... Anyway thanks for your awesome suggestions @stevinz

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