Hello, I'm new on BB. I made a few scenes like on Color Road game. My question is how to achieve changing colors of object and detect if you hit the right color? For example: if current color is red, you can hit only red. But if you hit a yellow color, then you lose. On BB2 I had an option for define what is enemy and what is point for each scene. On BB3 I don't have that option. Everything was defined on Objects section. Thanks and kind regards
I am currently doing something similar with colours and changing them. I only way I have found so far it to create objects for each colour you wish to use and then make versions of each colour as enemy and drop those in the places where needed. So a red one would be ok, but you would use the enemy colours next to it.
How can I get an animation for change character color like on Color Road or Color Switch? I didn't saw action
You can use an animation to change the colour but you won't be able to interact with it using a different colour. As I said above, right now - the only solution is to create objectives for each colour, then different objects for those colours set to enemy.
How will you set the scenes when the character color is red than enemy also have to be? how can we do that