I just released a game called "Colors Stream!" Its a simple hyper-casual game. Pretty much the character will change colors and the player must match that color to the color of a cube up ahead. Besides this, there are obstacles to avoid. There is also a game mode called "Rush Mode" that has no obstacles, however it moves very fast and the color changer and blocks are close together. Its pretty fun, check it out if you guys want. Apple App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/color-stream/id1416774079?ls=1&mt=8 GooglePlay Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.companyname.colorstream
Nice mixing of concepts. Plays smooth, a bit on the hard side. But, I kind of like hard games. Maybe an easy mode for beginners? If you can do that, I have the $15 licensing so I can't. But if you can I would. Keep on Boxing!
Im actually working on an easy mode and a fww more game modes. First in inproving some art and the game menus. Thanks for reply!