Coin Collection

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by FranciscoBala, Mar 31, 2017.

  1. FranciscoBala

    FranciscoBala Avid Boxer

    Feb 25, 2017
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    Just wanted to bounce this off with you all trying to reach a conclusion for myself..

    Regarding the value that each coin gives, and the pricing of each character, what would be the best solution?

    I know it really depends on how much coins are throughout the scenes & levels, just want to see other people's opinion :)

    It's my first game, but I've found that around 2 coins per grabbed coin is not bad, even tho is not perfect either..
    And the pricing for the characters is what I find tricky, I also know that how often player will buy characters will depend on how many games they play or how many IAP they do (I'm not relying on IAP's anyway) but, if I went say : 1st Char - free / 2nd Char - 500 / 3rd Char - 1500 and on & on

    any thoughts anyone ? shoot away please ;)

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