What’s up Boxers! Hope you've all been well. Today we are releasing the Official version of Buildbox 3.3.3. This build is primarily to update the Android export's default setting to API Level 29 to better harmonize with the Google Play Store's recent changes. As is with any release please ensure making a backup of any important projects prior to opening and saving them in the new build. If you find any bugs or issues please send them into support@buildbox.com with all pertinent details ASAP, so we can get them documented and corrected. Your feedback is always highly valued to make Buildbox the best product possible. Below are the links: Links: MacOS: https://downloads.buildbox.com/buildbox/current/Buildbox3.dmg Windows: https://downloads.buildbox.com/buildbox/current/Buildbox3.exe Thank you once again. We plan to announce and have updates with more good stuff very soon
in some previous update you mentioned an admob issue fixed , what issue is it ? do we still have to fill all ad ids (even the ones we don't use) for ads to show ?
Hi, I have a feature request i.e to enable/ support material colours for fbx 3d models in Buildbox on next update @Sean Buildbox @HueTheDev @ZackGriset
Hi @Sean Buildbox it seems the mobile control joystick is not working in this version. I do all the steps I was doing in previous builds exactly how Zack shows on youtube video and the mobile controller doesn'T control the character. Also when you add the keyboard controls they are not the same as mobile controls. the character looks at the direction of the keys with sharp movements like left, right, up down etc instead of smoothly turning the character's body to the desired direction which it was working like this with mobile control. Basically it is a smooth look at option in gaming language I suppose but in terms of keyboard controls it is reverse and rigid look at. Another thing is I wonder if Buildbox supports gamepads if we export the game as PC Game. This is crucial I think for people who would like to shoot for Steam like platforms instead of mobile. And even blue tooth controller support at least for iOS. Thanks.
Hi @Sean Buildbox Something else I realized. I am trying to use rotate towards object node with a game object and when the game starts the character roatates away from the target object. This happens when I apply this to the 3d platformer character created. It might not be the same with another game object.
Hello, I noticed an important problem in buildbox when it compiles the scenes after a while there is a huge lag. I did a test on your template without any modification, thank you for modifying it.
I've been having a lot of crashes and issues with the buildbox scene editor and preview. This one happened out of nowhere. It switched my World tab with one of my object tabs. BB crashed when I tried to load my last save. I have also had issues where after making some small changes (like changing the rotation values of a node) and when I go back into my scene editor and the grid spacing will be different from scene to scene and sometimes be perpendicular to the actual scene. I am experiencing at least 10 crashes a day. I am using 3.3.3
A temporary fix would be to duplicate that world and use the cloned one. For some reason this happens when you forgot a editor up and you hit the preview button (Editor: Animation or subscene)
3.3.4 is soon upon us and will be heavily focused on bug fixes, crashes, and stability. That being said if you have any repeatable steps or actions please shoot all relevant information our way so we can ensure they get resolved pronto
Thanks for the reply guys. Looking forward to the update Sean and I will definitely collect more data to help the cause.
Hi Cant wait for the update to fix all the crashes. . Not sure if this has been mentioned before but can we also add the feature to show labels in the preview window when your adding animations nodes to assets. Im trying to create message boxes using text nodes but only the images I use in animation nodes appear in the preview window so it makes it difficult to arrange my pictures so they line up with the text in the correct place. Currently Im having to play the game and see where everything is, go back and adjust the settings, then play the game again to see the new positions. Just takes longer this way. Thanks
Thanks for the reply Vlad-NY. Im using objects with text nodes inside them so I cant freely move the text nodes while in preview mode like I can with text labels on the UI editor. instead I have to change the X/Y/Z position values on the text node but this doesnt move during preview mode unless I restart the preview....unless im doing something wrong. Only been using Buildbox for 6 months now so still learning. haha