I have gone through all the forum but couldn't find anything working, i need procedure to display Admob ads in my BB3 Beta project. All the procedures i received from support are for BB2 through some third party mediation in which you can define the ad ids in the buildbox itself, but could not find any procedure how to do it with custom option in BB3 where to define the ad ids?? and which additional code is needed in android studio ?? Is there any procedure ???
yep am in the same boat pay $299 for a full released softwear and i can't monetized my games whit Adss nice.
Best recommended method currently is to use MoPub Mediation with Customer Method as described below: http://help.buildbox.com/advertising-and-sdks/using-the-3rd-party-api-mopub-example You can also use other networks if wishing to with the custom method as well. We'll have some easier ways to do this in the near future, but there are definitely monetized Buildbox 3 games in the app store currently
this information is out dated the File AdIntegratorHelper.java looks discontinued from the build it does not appear on android studio
I m also trying to find how to integrate AdMob interstitial and banner in BB3 but not success yet. If any one know the solution please share with us. Thanks