Hello, So I just uploaded my 1st game with BB2 on Play Store and I got this warning message: Is there a tutorial on how to make it 64-bit compliant? Do we just need to add the libraries and that is it? How do we do that ? Warning This release is not compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement The following APKs or App Bundles are available to 64-bit devices, but they only have 32-bit native code: 3. From August 1, 2019 all releases must be compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement. Include 64-bit and 32-bit native code in your app. Use the Android App Bundle publishing format to automatically ensure that each device architecture receives only the native code it needs. This avoids increasing the overall size of your app. Learn More Thank you !
Hey guys, we are working on an update to make BB2 and BB3 Android exports 64 bit compliant. We should have something in the next week so we'll be well ahead of schedule before the deadline
No, it actually already has been fixed/added 64 bit support for it. There is about one more thing for the Android export that we need to resolve and then the 2.3.8 Buildbox with 64 bit support will be good to go with time to test and update your games well ahead of the deadline. Hopefully this clarifies, hard at work on it currently
I was wondering if things like the Screenshots the AdIntegrators will be fixed including Rewarded Videos for Android? Also, can you make a thread of the known bugs so we don't keep reporting the same ones? It will also be easier to track what has been fixed. Thanks.
So when will this be released? I have internal testers ready to test my game but the Google Play Store won't let me release since it's not compliant?
Google play will let you submit untill 1st of August with the version you have aka 32bit libraries for the game. And after that you will have to make your game 64bit compliant unti 2020 i believe , otherwise it wont show up in the store for 64bit devices after 2020. But BB should release a version that supports 32bit and 64bit until August. I have summited recently my game with no issues except that warning and the game is playable and downloadable on all devices. Check this link for more info on what google is saying: https://developer.android.com/distribute/best-practices/develop/64-bit
24th of july and yet i can't build 64bit apk from buildbox3 b#3118 :| if someone has done this please give me a little help
Hey, yeah I think I remember that I read it somewhere here that it doesnt support 64-bit yet, but it will in the future.