Hey Boxers! I’m available for hire as a freelancer to help you in Buildbox 3 projects (both 2D and 3D). Buildbox is a great platform but sometimes you need features that just aren’t there yet, I’m here to make them reality for you! For any request feel free to contact me! Just fill in the contact form here or send me a direct message here on the forum or via any of the following social. SOCIAL & CONTACT LINKS ABOUT ME IVAN PERFETTI Founder and Sole Owner Hello there! I’ve started IndyM Software in 2018 as a side project to create mobile games for fun and quickly focused on Buildbox, one of the most powerful game creation platforms. Since then I’ve been working on dozens of games and helped many game developers to achieve their goals by providing unique game templates and prototypes, customizations, consultancy, nodes and assets for Buildbox. I’ve developed and published games for iOS and Android platforms. IndyM Software is based in Bologna, Italy. SERVICES IndyM Software is specialized in the development of 3D and 2D games on the Buildbox 3 game creation system. Buildbox 3 is the ideal platform to quickly prototype and develop mobile games for both iOS and Android. RAPID PROTOTYPING & DESIGN I can help you quickly convert new ideas into working game prototypes. I’m available to help you with any aspect of the game design, from consulting to full implementation in Buildbox. IMPLEMENTATION Whether you need a simple script, a custom node, an alternative control or maybe a system to manage enemy AI and pathfinding or even a full-featured game template built on Buildbox, I got you covered. BUGFIXING So your brand new Buildbox game has got bugs or problems you need to fix? Ask me, I’ll fix them all! ALL THAT'S BUILDBOX! Anything related to the Buildbox 3 platform is my playing field. Ask me anything about it, I’m pretty sure I can be of help! PORTFOLIO Nodes & Templates I've also developed nodes & templates for Buildbox. You can find them all at indym.itch.io. SOCIAL & CONTACT LINKS
Hi @b0x3r, sure, for any request feel free to contact me: - by email to ivan (at) indymsw (dot) com. - filling the form at https://www.indymsw.com/contact-us/. - sending a direct message here on the forum. Thank you!
Do you think that is possible create a Joypad support for Buildbox? I need it because a plan o release a platformer game and a joypad support is important.
@tributorock Hi, just to clarify, if you need a joystick-like controller in the UI of your Android or iOS game this is readily available in Buildbox. If you are talking about adding support for joypads in games exported for Windows/Steam I'm afraid this is not possible as of now, in my knowledge there is no support at all for controllers in Buildbox.
I don't think this can be done with Buildbox scripts as of now; Buildbox scripting language is a subset of Javascript, thus you don't have access to everything. I'd love to be proven wrong by the way. I guess there are ways to add joypad support from outside of Buildbox, even by simply using a tool to map joypad buttons to keyboard keys but this is something different.
Hi guys, an updated version of the Real-world Elapsed Time Counter Node is available for download, get it here: https://indym.itch.io/real-world-elapsed-time-counter-for-buildbox-3 It's free as always but now you can donate something if you wish, thank you! Inside the .zip file you'll find: - BBNODE file you can drop directly into your Buildbox projects. - BBDOC file demo to show how it works. - Readme file with full usage instructions. Real-world Elapsed Time Counter To Create Daily Gift Prizes/rewards And More
Hi there! I've just published a new node: Swipe Lane Path Move Node You'll find it for sale on Itch.io, just click here! This node allows you to create Buildbox 3 games with a character moving along a path with support for lanes and swipe gestures to change lane. This node merges the functionalities of the "Swipe3 Lanes" asset and the "Path Move" node and adds a lot of customizable attributes. Just check the pictures and the video for a demo of what you can achieve with it! Please note that Buildbox 3.3.4+ is required to open the files included in the package. WHAT'S INCLUDED IN THE PACKAGE? 1 BBNODE file for Buildbox 3, the Swipe Lane Path Move Node V.1.3 itself. 1 BBDOC file for Buildbox 3.3.4. 2 FREE DEMO GAMES / TEMPLATES are included in the BBDOC file. 12 BBASSET files for Buildbox 3 (2 characters + 10 objects). 1 README text file with node description and details. 1 LICENSE AGREEMENT text file. YOU'LL GET THE FOLLOWING ORIGINAL ASSETS AND GOODIES FOR FREE! 1 3D MODEL for the vehicle (OBJ, PNG & MTL files included). 2 MP3 TRACKS (Somewhatcountry Lively and Somewhatcountry Quiet, 30s length). 6 ROAD / TERRAIN TILES, all in PNG format, tilable on both X & Y axis. NODE DESCRIPTION Following is a complete list of the node inputs and available attributes. INPUTS The node has 4 inputs: * Enabled: to enable the node; once enabled speed is set according to the corresponding attribute. * Jump: if this input is enabled the character will jump; useful to add a button to control jumps for example. * Swipe Left: if enabled the character will react as if a swipe left occurred. Useful to add alternative inputs. * Swipe Right: if enabled the character will react as if a swipe right occurred. Useful to add alternative inputs. The node natively supports and recognizes Left/Right Swipe gestures. The node also supports alternative inputs, like UI Buttons, keyboard keys or mouse buttons. ATTRIBUTES MOVEMENT * Speed: speed at which the character will move on the path in the current world scene. * Height Over Path: height of the character over the game path. * Jump force: force to apply to a jump, set to 0 to disable jumps. Suggested value: between 0 and 3. * Max Jumps: max number of consecutive jumps; 1 is a single jump, 2 is a double jump, 3 a triple jump and so on. * Movement smoothing: easing applied to character movements. Suggested value: between 0.5 (extremely snappy) and 0.99 (extremely smooth). * Swipe sensitivity: sensitivity to swipe movements. Suggested value between 0.1 (low sensitivity) and 1.0 (high sensitivity). LANES / PATH * Lanes: number of lanes the character will be able to move on. Must be >= 2. * Starting lane: starting lane for the character. Lanes are numbered left to right; example: with 3 lanes the left one is lane 1, middle one is lane 2, right one is lane 3. Allowed values between 1 and 'Lanes'. * Path Usable %: how much of the track size can be used by the character in percentage; useful to leave a margin on the sides of the track. Must be >= 1. Should be <= 100. Accepts values up to 200 in case you wish your character to be able to go outside of the track. SPECIAL FEATURES * Variable Path Size: if enabled recognizes when the path size changes (narrower or broader) and updates the car position accordingly. This attribute is disabled by default, enabling it will cause additional calculations in the update(dt) function. * Smooth Move At Start: might be useful when the starting lane is not the middle one. If checked, the character will move smoothly from the middle lane to the specified Starting Lane. * Allow Contact Swipes: if enabled the player can swipe multiple times keeping the finger on the screen. * Enable Touch Events: enabled by default, allows the use of a swipe movement on screen to move the character left or right. You might want to disable touch movements, for example if you wish to use UI buttons and/or keyboard buttons instead. * Enable Warnings: useful for debug, enable warning messages when one of the attributes has an out of range value. If an attribute has an out of range value it is always set to an in range value, regardless of this setting. STEERING * Enable Steering: if checked steering is enabled and the character will rotate left or right when changing lane. Useful to simulate steering when the character is a vehicle. * Steering Amount: steering angle in degrees. Suggested value: between 0 and 45. * Steering Smoothing: easing applied to character when returning to normal position after steering. Suggested value: between 0.8 and 0.98.
Hi all! Today I've started working on a particle system for Buildbox; hopefully we'll see an official one sooner or later, meanwhile here's a preview, please consider I've just started working on it but to me the fire effect doesn't look bad, what do you think about it?
In this demo I've used the Set Physics Pro node for Buildbox to set different gravity for spheres of different colors. Changing the gravity of objects and having multiple objects each one with its own gravity is only one of the 20+ settings you can adjust with this unique node! Get the node here, there's a 30% discount until July 7, 2022.
The latest addition to my catalog of nodes and systems for Buildbox is ParallaXer. With ParallaXer you can easily add parallax scrolling backgrounds to 2D & 3D Buildbox games! ParallaXer for Buildbox is available for download at https://indym.itch.io/parallaxer-for-buildbox. Here are three clips showing different applications of ParallaXer, in each one you'll see that there are several layers of background images, all scrolling at different speeds, that's what creates the illusion of depth, this is what ParallaXer does.
Here's a new free node I've recently published, the Wake Up (Target) node, you can download it from my page at indym.itch.io. This node can be used as a replacement for the standard Wake Up node you can find in Buildbox. The standard Wake Up node only works with game paths so it's not always ideal to work with. This node works by measuring the actual distance to a target entity, which can be your character or any other object. The node looks and feel very similar to the standard Wake Up node, the only difference is in the new attribute named target, here's a preview of the node aspect and attributes:
I recommend everything he has developed for Buildbox as well as his professional help. Each node is worth every cent.
Hey guys! I've severely lowered the prices for all of the assets available at https://indym.itch.io/. This is not a time limited promotion! Also, I've tested and updated a few of them and can confirm that most of them works well in Buildbox 4 as well. Here's a preview of the top six assets: