No problem. If Sean didnt change anything in the file, then it must be something your side that is missing. Good luck! Downloading the SDKs is a royal pain haha.
Yeah definitely. If he didn't change anything and your ads are showing we can say with 100% security that it has to do something with your setup.
Wow, this really baffles me. Are you removing any permissions or making any other changes after exporting?
No Andy, I am doing Zero Changes .. Nothing at all ... Just simple Ignoring All Lint Errors and creating a Signed APK ..
@Christoph @spicedbeangames Exactly, but What it could be ... anything i am missing in the way ? That is the question, If you can give me a list of things to look for i can grab them and post here so you can see what is wrong. can anyone ?
I'm by no means a Eclipse specialist... But check the permissions as Andy says. Probably it is because one is missing straight out of Buildbox?
Hi guys @Andy @Christoph @spicedbeangames ... I just Debugged The App and This is what i found ... UPDATE !!!!!! I just Found out What is missing .... This Piece of Code I added in The Manifest and Got the Ads .... But Why its not there already for me ?
Hi Did you solve the problem with chartboost? I was just browsing the forum and saw thist thread. Usually the main problem with chartboost comes with the Chartboost dashboard and not integration. Make sure you did the following steps at dashboard. Create a publishing campaign for your app and set it to interstitial. Make sure you copy and paste the correct IDs. ( I know this sounds funny but you can't imagine the mistakes I have been making) so make sure double check. Also before testing make sure your turned on Test mode in App's settings. And bear in mind: When you make a change at Chartboost it takes around half an hour for changes to take effect. (usually it says around 20 minutes at Chartboost website) If you see test ad working then you are fine. Btw Chartboost fillrates are not so high like Admob. So it would be great if we had an option of showing an alternative ad network if one is not available at new upcoming buildbox versions. @Andy In my previous games I did with other game engines I could do that so I am sure this is might be possible with Buildbox.
This is already available to some extent. You can setup an alternate network on the advertising settings screen (bottom section).
Hi Andy, I totally forgot about this thread and just remembered. Ok So Even if I set up like Chartboost as Interstitial for Game Over Screen in Nod Editor and in advertising Settings I set Admob as second Advertiser the game will show Admob interstitial if Chartboost not available right?? Is it how it works?? Thank You!
I'm having problems integrating Chartboost in my Android app. Everything seems correct but the ads aren't showing in the game. Firstly, do we need to manually integrate the SDK (based on these instructions - or is this natively accommodated within the Buildbox export? I have not integrated anything manually. I have setup a Chartboost campaign which is active - and I have the correct IDs within Buildbox for Google Play settings. I have also set the interstitial frequency and provider (as Chartboost) on the Game Over screen in my game, but the ads aren't showing and the game has been live for a few days now. Is there anything obvious that I should be aware of or any manual integration that I need to do? I do not have the green SDK tick against my app in Chartboost. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
hi,were you able to solve the problem?i am thinking of using chartboost ads as well?Do we really have to make any changes at all in android studio if we are using bulidbox version 2.3.8? or adding the chartboost ad id's is enough?? Thanks
@sharma.shivam I managed to get some information from Buildbox as to how to solve this - it does require some changes to code in Android studio. build.gradle (The app-level one): implementation '' implementation '' implementation 'androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.0.0' implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0' implementation 'androidx.multidex:multidex:2.0.1' the emoji in the above is a : & p - this keeps creating the face. android.useAndroidX=true android.enableJetifier=true AndroidManifest.xml, to replace android:name="" with android:name="androidx.multidex.MultiDexApplication" AndroidManifest.xml, add the following tag to the activity for chartboost (search for the <!-- CHARTBOOST --> comment): android:hardwareAccelerated="true", add some extra lines to cache the ads correctly. Where we have:Chartboost.onStart(PTAdChartboostBridge.activity);We need to add below it: Chartboost.cacheInterstitial( CBLocation.LOCATION_DEFAULT ); Chartboost.cacheRewardedVideo(CBLocation.LOCATION_DEFAULT); I have gotten this working so I hope it helps.