Hello there, I'm using an old version of BB, If I'm not wrong it's 2.3 but anyway. Do I need to do something special to integrate Ads in my game? I mean I added everything in the engine in the settings tab for the game then I exported the game. Do I need to do something else to show ads in the game? Thanks!
If you are using the default advertising set up in BB, then just add your keys and iDs from your ad console into the ad settings for bb and boom - done.
Soo... nothing else right? I see on admob 139 requests and 3.23% match rate but I didn't saw a single ad in my app. Maybe because it's not published on google play or? I'm not sure what cause this. I copy-pasted banner id and interst. id and put them in my BB and exported my app. I did something wrong? Thanks for reply tho.
So I can just add in my Heyzap Publisher ID after I have that and Admob set and I'm done? I just spent 29 minutes following along with Zach even though there were some discrepancies between the video and what I was doing.