Need help to integrate Chartboost like ketchapp that shows you an interstial on the start game where they say download this game and...:)
Here are the video tutorials for Buildbox 2.0 just in case you missed them......
hello, i published several games on appstore but on of my game have 1100 downloads only in one week i put lot of keywords on english spain uk...
Is there a way to make Tutorial Intro in BB2, so users will easy understand how to play game? We have try to add NewUI, between Start and Main...
New Tutorial For New Buildbox Developer [MEDIA] thanks a lot for a trial that buildbox gave me. and many thanks to the developers buildbox on...
"When you download our demo, you’re also automatically enrolled into the Game Business Challenge. This free 14 day training program is taught...
I wanted to create a new game and chronicle the entire process for others to learn from and maybe get inspired. The idea is this: start with...
If anyone is interested to learn about some new vector illustration techniques by designing a character using geometric shapes. This tutorial is...
I hope there is no competition between Buildbox and Rick Davidson, but I just wanted to share the 3 links from his Game Career Coach series. They...
Separate names with a comma.