I saw trey's video on facebook. How do i do to make possible to move the platform and shoot to the bricks collecting points? Thank you! [MEDIA]
I saw a tutorial from Massimo Tutorials on how to use swipe but i dont' have all swipe option like swipe down ,swipe up ,swipe left ,swipe right....
Hi, This and other games by this company so look like they were build with buildbox. is it possible to make a game like one more dash. check the...
I'd love to see how you guys are showing off your games on your (company) webpage. Please post your links and if you can, comment to help each...
hello guys , in my new game I am making a runner game that can slide and jump. But when he slide HO collide with object enemy. It changes the...
I need help in how ti unlock Worlds like dragon lings
hello i'm little bit new to buildbox and i've tried to create my first game, i got every things ready (assets) and i start putting my assets in...
How do we test remove ads on ios ? THANKS!
I got the rewarded video buton , once used it didn't show anymore? why? i made interval 1.
[IMG] https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/lets-learn-sign-language-asl/id1120976565?mt=8 Description NO ADS! This is the ASL basics for Childrens...
Hi, We have Lock Button on Main Menu set for 100 InGame Coins for unlocking another part of game. All is set and it working perfectly. We just...
Hey guys, how can you make screenshots of 1242 x 2208 pixels for hi-res portrait, 5.5-inch iPhone if you don't have one? The same for 1080 x 1920...
Guys we are proud to show you our new game! How to play? Just jump and don't touch the walls! :) COMING SOON IOS - ANDROID! [MEDIA]
To remove ads we need to config tax info... how do i config it?
How to set up unity ads with heyzap meditation third party in buildbox on android and ios. heyzap admob are working but unity ads are delayed...
How do i set up heyzap with unity ads....i have only heyzap with admob working ...unity ads are delayed and it doesn't show us impressions. We...
Need help to integrate Chartboost like ketchapp that shows you an interstial on the start game where they say download this game and...:)
hii , my first try with buildbox 1.3 Demo , i wonder if yo buy it or not :) just try to see how i can do some stuff, right now i just got basic...
hello, i published several games on appstore but on of my game have 1100 downloads only in one week i put lot of keywords on english spain uk...
Helly Boxers, I am almost done with my new game project. For now i am calling it Luminous. but I am open for name suggestions! I am looking...
Separate names with a comma.