Bb3 Good For 2d Games?

Discussion in 'Buildbox 3.0' started by maxcar, Apr 19, 2020.

  1. maxcar

    maxcar Boxer

    Sep 27, 2018
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    Hey all! I've been reading a lot of posts that deal with frustrations for making 2d games in BB3 and I'm also frustrated. I was very enthusiastic about BB3 for extending my 2D games and I recently started using BB3 for a 2d Game. I'm personally not planning making 3d games at all. More than a year ago I asked at Buildbox about plans for BB2 and I understood it wasn't going to be further developed, and that BB3 was going to be more powerful and solve issues that BB2 had. However, I'm missing BB2 a lot right now, for its simplicity and fast performance.

    One thing I don't like is that collision shapes use 3d models, which would not happen in a 2d world. In fact I'm having an issue with a character that "falls out" because of colliding with 3d objects.

    Here's a video of what I'm talking about.

    Like many discussions on the forum I don't think I can convert existing BB2 to BB3 without issues and that's why started making a new game from 0. I think for 2d games BB3 adds more complexity where BB2 was great and easy. I understand however the limits of BB2 and the logic pieces that can be created with BB3 are more flexible and powerful which I really like. I've also noticed BB3 is slower in performance which might had to do with with dealing with all the 3d logic.

    I'm really hoping that BB3 addresses things for 2d games as I think BB2 really made a mark in the engine world for 2d game creation.
    Jaro likes this.
  2. Coldwilson

    Coldwilson Avid Boxer

    Dec 18, 2017
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    I'm still working on BB2 to finish my game off (way too complex for converting to BB3) and I had intended to do exactly what you're doing in staying with 2D games using BB3 as the flexibility and nodes really excites me. What you've described is a fear I had on the software though. I thought with the 2D view it would get past the 3D challenges for 2D but this is quite worrying and performance issues as well doesn't bode well for me.

    I think there's no point staying on BB2 too much longer into the future but if BB3 is too problematic for 2D then it might be best to stick with it until the issues are resolved. The trouble is if we don't use BB3 then we're not finding the problems and won't really have awareness on when it's viable.

    If only BB2 had nodes.
  3. Josh (Nology Games)

    Josh (Nology Games) Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2017
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    hello! We completely agree the importance of 2D games. We have been improving and he 2D aspects each update and we appreciate the feedback as it’s important for us to improve on things we may not be aware of. If you find bugs please remember to send as it is the best way for us to log issues that can be fixed in the future
  4. maxcar

    maxcar Boxer

    Sep 27, 2018
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    Hi @Coldwilson, thanks for sharing! I'm kind of blocked as it is with BB3 for the moment. I feel that 3D is taking the lead right now, as some of the 2D things that were great in BB2 are still missing. I can see the power of BB3, but my concern is that I have no visibility as to which things are going to be implemented, or when, or if they are not going to be at all.

    Thanks for the feedback @Josh (Nology Games) ! I certainly will report bugs that I find. Do you happen to know if there's a public pipeline for next releases planned for BB users can see to get an idea of when things are going to be implemented?

    Also is there a way to obtain BB2?

  5. Josh (Nology Games)

    Josh (Nology Games) Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2017
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    There is not currently a public timeline for release dates. However, we recommend that if you wish to Receive BB2, you only need to email and have a current Buildbox Subscription
  6. aryanveer95

    aryanveer95 Boxer

    Oct 7, 2015
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    After chating with @Sean Buildbox on discord, i decided to go with BB2 for 2D games. BB2 is getting update this weekend. BB2 wont be in development in coming future but it will be maintained with all the required updates.

    There is still a long way to go for BB3. The game made with BB3 are running very slow in Android phones. Until a stable BB3 version is released without bugs, i am not going for it.
  7. maxcar

    maxcar Boxer

    Sep 27, 2018
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    Thanks @Josh (Nology Games) for the answer, I'll ask support for BB2 version, I'm a BB3 subscriber.
    I personally know the difficulty of having a release roadmap for software implementation, but this would be super helpful for us to have a clearer visibility about the updates of the software, and to make wiser decisions in the short and long term.

    Thanks @aryanveer95 for sharing! I'm also experiencing some of the things you mention about BB3 and find myself blocked at this time. It is also helpful to know that others are experiencing similar issues about BB3 maturity as a software. I can see the potential of BB3 but it has also added lots of 3d complexity for 2d games that weren't before and that make things more complicated.

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