Next Scene Without ''if Collider Node''

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by Bluange, Mar 9, 2020.

  1. Bluange

    Bluange Boxer

    Mar 4, 2020
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    Hi to all, i am new with that program and i am graphic designer so sometimes i can't understand nodes.
    I want to ask a question, i am using buildbox free version so i have got just one world and many scenes. My character is not moving. There is a position limiter on my character for stuck in screen space. I mean like a snake game screen system. It can't move to from scene to scene like a run game. There is a easy gameplay system too, Collect objects and earn points, when the points reach to total need points, go to Game Completed UI and need a next level button in that UI scene. My scenes are align not random. Example: when level 1 end the level 2 start begins. Maybe just a script? maybe edited node? Why this next scene button is really hard? Why there is no a ready button like restart or pause. I really don't know. I gave it to my all day for search it but i cound't find what i want. Can you help me please?

    Also sometimes there is custom nodes and they are putting script in it. How can i add that custom node? You know there is symbol on the top left corner for each nodes. But this custom one have'nt got any symbol. Maybe because i'm using free version?
  2. Hanomax

    Hanomax Avid Boxer

    Aug 24, 2018
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    Hey. For static scenes, it is a bit tricky to jump from scene 1 to scene 2 etc. It takes some logic and coding. I'll try to make example of snake game of that.
    You can open nodes code by double clicking on node (except few nodes like state machine or delay node).
    If you have BBASSET file, where custom nodes are inside, you can drag and drop this file into your world scene and copy-paste nodes from that added asset. Or if it is BBNODE file, drag and drop it to your node map.
  3. Hanomax

    Hanomax Avid Boxer

    Aug 24, 2018
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    Here is a template for that:
    Coding credits goes to Eyal282 from Discord.

    Little explanation:If you open your world, click on the world on that objects tree and select "Edit Components, there is script inside:
    function init(){
    if(Settings.levelID == undefined){
    Settings.levelID = 1;
    This just sets level to 1 when running it first time.

    On start scene, you'll find "level:loader" object. Inside it's node map, there are 2 scripts (made by Eyal282). Basically, it checks level number, which is saved, deletes start scene, looks for "Level X" object from scene, and moves camera there.
    On each scene, you'll find "Level X" object. On scene 1, it is "Level 1", on scene 2, it is "Level 2" and so on. This is what previous script looks for and teleports camera there.

    Inside Actor's asset, I made "check_points" script:
    function signal(name, value){
        if(value && this.scene().currentPoints() >= 5){
            this.emitSignal('Out', true);
    This directs you to completed UI, after 5 points are collected.
    And this script is connected with slightly changed level selector node:
    var _increased = false;
    function init(){}
    function update(dt){}
    function signal(name, value){
        if(name == 'Next' && !_increased){
            _increased = true;
            Settings.levelID += 1;  
    This changes levelID value, so level_loader script can teleport you to right scene.

    And that's pretty much all you need to make static levels.
    And for some reason, follow node doesn't work in latest version.
  4. mogychiy69

    mogychiy69 Boxer

    Aug 11, 2019
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    Good afternoon. Thank you for your work.
    I tested it, apparently on the new version of BB3 it stops working. It can be fixed ?

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