Buildbox Classic 2.22.4 Beta Featuring Adbox!

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Hue Buildbox, Oct 28, 2022.

  1. Hue Buildbox

    Hue Buildbox Administrator Staff Member

    May 11, 2017
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    Hello Buildbox Creators! :)

    We’re here with the 2.22.4 Build# 2846 Beta Featuring Adbox! We'll be adding bug fixes prior to full release but in the meantime, we have a beta release that you can install now:

    As always, ensure you are creating backups of your BBDOCs before using this build. If there are any bugs found, please shoot it over with details to

    Ad config is found on the UI Screen elements in the game mind map with checkboxes for Banner and Interstitial or through the UI Screen editor's various "Rewarded Video" options. All setup is automatic and there is no SDK-config screen to worry about.

    Ads usually begin appearing after 30-60 minutes but may take up to one day after Claiming Bundle Id to start coming in. This is due to delays on the ad networks' end. The exact duration and reason for this delay is unknown and out of our hands, but we will do whatever we can to improve this in the future.

    (During this time you may see messages like "AdIntegratorVungle: InitCallback - onError: Configuration Error Occurred. Please check your appID and placementIDs, and try again when network connectivity is available.". After the providers have finished processing your app, the errors will go away.)

    Ads use test mode when they can in Xcode and Android Studio. In some cases, it may not be possible to configure for test mode and you could see live ads during development. If you do remember not to click on them or your access could be revoked.

    Apps are monitored for status on app stores and switched from test to live mode automatically for real users after publishing.


    Thank you again for being the best part of the Buildbox Community and helping us improve Buildbox!
    33Shox and HG-2018 like this.
  2. HG-2018

    HG-2018 Avid Boxer

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Glad to see that Buildbox Classic is still being worked on. I hope this is just an extension for the advertising circuit, which is also great. I hope the updates will also include new mechanics or even improve the poor performance if you want to play the games in Android. Unfortunately the FPS rate is significantly worse on Android devices and especially the FPS drops.
    33Shox likes this.
  3. 33Shox

    33Shox Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Wow! Nice to see the beloved buildbox clasic being updated.
    While you are working on it, please check the splash screen as it is a bit buggy after the latest update. On my phone, the game is loading so fast that the user cant even read my studio name also it is cropped weird ::D Can u make it as it was before? like give it 2 seconds before jumping into main menu. Thanks
  4. DariusGuerrero

    DariusGuerrero Avid Boxer

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Game loading too fast? That's a good problem to have, in all honestly. Especially since the longer time the game loads the more likely the user changes their mind about playing a game that day and just exits the app. Faster loading time means the game is more optimized too which is what stores want. Just add your logo in the UI that comes after loading like in the menu.
    Jaro, HG-2018 and Miko Buildbox like this.
  5. 33Shox

    33Shox Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Nope. Developers use all the time fake loading screens to give the user time to process what the software is doing. It is called good User Interface design. Adding the studio logo in the main menu is bad as it will look like the app is restarting everytime the user enters the main menu therefore amateurish. Please don't encourage the buildbox team to not fix the issues. I also said that it crops weird and is not full screen. Splash screen is broken. Please fix it.
    And no, the user will not change his mind about playing the game if the splash screen last 2 seconds when he opens the app instead of 0.5 seconds.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2022
  6. DariusGuerrero

    DariusGuerrero Avid Boxer

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Then add a UI after the loading screen that has your studio logo and a timed event observer that leads to the main menu UI after 2 seconds
    Jaro, 33Shox and HG-2018 like this.
  7. HG-2018

    HG-2018 Avid Boxer

    Jun 18, 2018
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    This is not a problem. You can do this with a UI and add a delay there. I use it myself to start an animation. This comes only when you start the game and not when you go back to the StartScreen.
    Jaro and 33Shox like this.
  8. 33Shox

    33Shox Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Yeah. I will do that. Thanks a lot
    Jaro likes this.

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