Buildbox 3.4.4 Beta Is Here!

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Sean Buildbox, Oct 15, 2021.

  1. Sean Buildbox

    Sean Buildbox Serious Boxer

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Hey there creators! :)

    We’re here with the 3.4.4 Beta and bringing a host of goodies, including the ability to share your Buildbox World Bits Globally! See the change log below for the rest of the details:Change log:Features:
    • Global Sharing via Buildbox World Export
    • See list of acceptance criteria for Globally Shared Bits here
    • Updated Home Screen with links to Instagram, Tik Tok and more
    • Added Default Images for UI screen buttons with color attribute option
    • The UI Joystick Move node now has a built-in Receive node
    • Improvements to Sound and Circular Move node UI
    • Improved error messaging on Interval & Threshold and Health Bar nodes
    • Improved ‘enter text here’ attributes in nodes
    • Added a “UI Labels List” custom attribute option
    Also please note that we are currently working on an update to the Buildbox World iOS and Android Apps that will enable the use of the sharable links generated during the global sharing process through Buildbox 3.As always ensure always making backups of your BBDOC before using this build. Also any bugs you find please shoot it over with details to



    Thank you again for the being the best part of the Buildbox Community and helping us improve Buildbox!
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2021
  2. TheGameAppStudio

    TheGameAppStudio Serious Boxer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Nice Update. I exported my game using global sharing and is under review. Kindly do not forget to fix android studio file size issue. I haven't tested this on Android Studio yet. Will keep you updated.
  3. HG-2018

    HG-2018 Avid Boxer

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Always have to laugh how many updates for buildbox 3 come and for Classic not even important bugs are fixed. It's funny that a fix is not made but updates for buildbox 3 come. Would really times super the rward video bug to fix.
    Hussamhay likes this.

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