Firebase Integration Ios

Discussion in 'Advertising' started by Froylan, Oct 20, 2020.

  1. Froylan

    Froylan Boxer

    Mar 21, 2019
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    if you guys are trying to run admob ads, you will need a Firebase Analytics account link to admob for marketing purposes.

    I ran across a few issues when installing Firebase to my Xcode project using Cocoapods. Most of the problems are associated with Firebase and Cocoapods

    issue: #import <Firebase/Firebase.h> not found
    solution: Go to BBPlayer/Build settings. Go to Search Paths and add $(inherited) to both Framework Search path and Header Search paths.

    issue: Double-quoted include "pb.h" in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead ( about 13 errors will pop up)
    solution: Go to Pods Build file (below BBPlayer) Select Pods under "Project" tab. Go to: Apple Clang - Warnings - All languages: Find "Quoted Included in Framework Header" and select No. default is Yes. This is a workaround.

    Issue: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_FIRApp",
    Solution: Go to BBPlayer, Then Target tab, Select BBPLayer, Build Settings: Go to Other Linker Flags.
    Add $(inherited)

    Afterwards run build and you should have a successful build.
    Danielp likes this.
  2. Danielp

    Danielp Boxer

    Jan 10, 2020
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    Hi Froylan,
    thanks for your information. Is it nessesary to implement Firebase for Admob to show Ads?
    I have released an app one week ago, and no Ads are live shown.
    I've tested in Xcode with Google Testads, working.

  3. Froylan

    Froylan Boxer

    Mar 21, 2019
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    I don't think is a requirement, it's good to have it though as it makes it easier to track downloads. Its also good if you want to advertise your game using admob. Either way, you shouldn't have any problems showing ads using only admob.

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