@Sean Buildbox Is there still any support happening with Buildbox3? It's been 2 weeks already and despite efforts of writing to support and also...
Hey @Sean Buildbox Please check DM for this issue. I've sent in a reply. Thanx :)
@Sean Buildbox Any word on this? Not even an email reply from support? :( Sigh
@Sean Buildbox I can upgrade but after upgrade when i launched Buildbox 3 it says that cannot use this version of buildbox with my MacOS. Yes...
@Sean Buildbox I've updated to this version but unfortunately it says that I cannot use this version of Buildbox with my current MacOS... I'm...
Thanx for replying @Sean Buildbox
@Hue Buildbox Pro Plan? Why is it so when we actually have purchased a FULL LICENSE on Buildbox 2? Confused here. Would appreciate if you can...
@Sean Buildbox can you please reply to my DM on the issues that I have been facing? Has it been resolved? In the meanwhile if support is in here...
@Sean Buildbox So buildbox Classic (version 2.21) is higher version than Buildbox 2.3.14? Seems like a downgrade? Totally confused here. Also we...
Does buildbox support new M1 silicone macbook pros?
Has the depricated ui issue for ios been fixed in this build?
WOW!! Nice
We only submitted it to testflight as the publisher wanted to test it. So we received the warning upon submission. We were still able to download...
Same here :( and we were proposing to a publisher
@NikRudenko BB3 crashes when trying to preview a BB2 doc. Happens every single time :( We're on a Mac btw
Separate names with a comma.