But what if you're only targeting Windows? :D
I also had this problem not being able to delete DarkClouds... I ended up deleting the image from the images folder inside the bbdoc file......
I don't see a health option on the bullet or the spawner. And I don't want them to only be destroyed upon killing the character, but also on...
Since searching for the issue brought me here, I'll just resurrect this thread. How do you DESTROY an enemy bullet? I've got a little venom...
I don't think this is possibly, as it is currently impossible to compare session points to best points... You could however spring a different...
Question 3), before I go cloning things again! OK so I've noticed cloning DOES overwrite opacity, but not scale or stretch (so you can have...
Commenting here just so I'm notified of any replies. Important stuff for Mario-style "secret zones"... You've got to drop the player where they...
Very good! Chaotic like a bullet hell game, but fun! I didn't try tilt controls... touch was chaos enough for me. The touch controls are awesome...
1) - I get the basics with convert to clones... but what does convert to global clones do, exactly? Same thing but across all the worlds in your...
Yeah all of my fighting with this started by trying to have all the event observers in one scene to direct the player to the correct end-screen....
OK so... the first end-level GUI scene there W1_C_0 is for a score of zero. You will always go there when you complete the world. In that scene...
No problem, Nihat -- The BB team knows. I was just responding so Nitroy knew he wasn't alone in the professional dev world with his complaint....
A simple "IF-THEN" event observer object would do wonders for this engine. Thing to check -- (less than, greater than, equal to) -- thing that...
GTE, yep... same thing here after realizing event observers are greater-than-or-equal-to. You have to chain 'em if you want a different end-level...
Separate names with a comma.