Hello @sean all my games have been accepted for more than year in the family program, i haven't changed anything just an update of my game with...
i used that admob how to remove non-certified sdk?
After a recent review, we’ve found an issue with your app, Pinball vs 8 ball (com.bmgame.pinballvs8ball). See below for more information about...
update Ios https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pinball-vs-8-ball/id1454165632?l=fr&ls=1
hi sorry I used that admob
hi @Sean Buildbox I need to add Google Mobile Ads SDK or it is already integrated in this version? thanks
hi @sean this bug still not fixed for 1 year I need fixed to update my pinball game I think I found where the bug came from this is the Timeout of...
hi here are the steps to follow do not forget your admobe ID Editor reference String [] publisherIds = {"your admob id here"}; [IMG] [IMG]...
implementation 'com.google.android.ads.consent:consent-library:1.0.6' 1) Java = PTPlayer = import import com.google.ads.consent.*; import...
I think when you made your updates soon you ran into the problem, the solution: you go to your admobe sitting account general blocking you...
hi @spicedbeangames no sensitive advertising is disabled, the problem is targeted advertising the EU TFUA law (GDPR) for children under 16 yers, I...
hi @all solution !!?? [IMG] [IMG]
hi @ all Boxer i dont understand the problem i did an update and i have this rejection an explanation thank you in advance [IMG] [IMG]
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