So If you read the link I sent it says David owns the IP of Color switch the original version he sent to fortafy not any enhancements that fortafy...
its not about if "fortify does this" if you read the whole case files you can see that fortafy did every update and built the game modes and they...
[IMG] So guys as i said two years ago it seems David underestimated fortafy games marketing work! From the outside looking in seeing the viral...
Color Switch Shitty clones are Having Insane Success Now. Switch Color 2 of karimoos Team that had 1- 5 million downloads now has 10 + million...
@Benfont Right an wish you the best with your game! ☺️
The guy saying that Color Switch was overrated , I think we all know he is Right on what he said but that "how you said " does not help the dev...
On Google Play Store your game is in Category Lastest Published Games in Italy. Cool!
@AstrologicMedia Wrong use of Cross Promo in this game. Actually i installed the game and i saw on game over that you invite users to install...
I see you have marketing skills , maybe a little help from you would be Nice! ;D
Well Done! @Christoph :D
@Iqur Just to know how much you can take with a game that has more than 100 Milion downloads lol ;). I am very shocked to know that @Machine...
@Machine Rises When your contract is finished, can you tell us the revenue you guys made with color switch? THANKS! :D
how you got these downloads?
I like your Art work! Top! Do you sell the art assets?
Separate names with a comma.