How can i name my game if i am going with a publisher, how can i know if a name is available, If i check if it is available i need to reserve the...
How to solve this problem??
Yeah, but what is the angle settings for the objects, i am measuring 27.5 degrees is this right? can you show us all the settings
Can anyone give the exact game settings like The Pit
Does anyone know where can i invest money to gain much more users? Except facebook and google
I hope that my game is in all stores on the 29th place under the category Action Can you guys confirm that for me in US store
@FerZ Thank you :D i've made a mistake and published it on my own, i sould have published it with publisher For the beginning i used Facebook...
How can i solve this? How can i disable everything except inapp purchases? Is it possible? I don't have that problem with iOS EDIT:...
Second Place in Croatian App Store [ATTACH] 11th place in Canadian App Store [ATTACH] 27th in Russian App store [ATTACH] 68th place in UK App...
Thank you guys :D @Gregory Storm That is the problem, i can not get through to people living in the US, facebook will not let me, on twitter is...
You see, there is a thing in our local portals, one news is enough to be copied to other portals, it is all the same news but different readers...
Article about my game is out in several news portals You can check it out Help me to promote my game...
Thank you guys for the tips My app reached the 12th spot in Apple's Featured New Games under the Adventure category - in Local App store i hope it...
Can someone help me, how can i promote my app for more downloads I know it is not innovative but it is fun, it is hard and addictive to play, if...
Separate names with a comma.