We’ve just released Buildbox Free, a completely free version of our no-code game development software that anyone can download. Our software has unique creation layers that make it super easy to build out your game quickly. No previous coding or design experience is required. You can jump right in and start creating. It’s that easy. Buildbox Free is the latest version of our Buildbox 3 software. So, you’ll have full access to all of our new game building features for making both 2D and 3D games.
Let’s take a closer look at Buildbox Free!
Buildbox Free
Game Wizards & Interactive Tutorials
Getting started in Buildbox Free is easy. We have a quick-start guide that leads you through the initial game setup for both 2D and 3D game creation. There are also mini interactive tutorials that cover game design basics like how to make a character or enemy. It’s a great way to learn the ropes and a handy resource for new developers.
300+ Pre-loaded 2D And 3D Smart Assets
There’s also an entire built-in library of smart assets with pre-set animations that you can use to build out your game. They speed up game development and allow you to add trendy gameplay mechanics with a simple click. We have over 300 pre-loaded 2D and 3D smart assets in the Buildbox Asset Library to help you bring your game come to life!
A new feature that’s also available in Buildbox Free is brainboxes. They’re drag-and-drop animation components with built-in logic that you can add to any character or object in your game. You can quickly add a brainbox to make the character in your game walk or jump or a vehicle drive. With brainboxes, you can build a whole game without ever using smart assets or even nodes. It’s totally up to you.
Easy Monetization
Monetizing your game is also super simple. In Buildbox Free, there’s a plug-and-play ad integration feature that lets you easily integrate top SDKs, like AdMob or IronSource, to generate revenue on auto-pilot.
Advanced Options
With Buildbox Free, you can further customize your game with our advanced node system. Nodes allow you to create advanced logic for any character or object in your game. There’s also an option to build your own nodes to use in your game or share them with others.
You can build designated 2D worlds or 3D worlds and navigate through them easily in fly camera mode. There have been over 100 improvements to this version of Buildbox to make game development both easier and faster. We can’t wait to see what you create with Buildbox Free!
Can you please add the Export to Android feature in buildbox free. I made a game for my smartphone with lots of work but I cannot play it in my phone.
Me too
how can I re-sign in for my build box for I deleted it by mistake and I also have deleted my lincence in my e-mail
please how can i download buildbox
also for me
how do cerate
i think this is because website is updating and unless
Thanks for sharing so much. I can’t download Buildbox for samsung phones? Can you help me?
it show code2 problem…. , what i do?
I love this buildbox 3 for free
Thank you Buildbox
I am a beginner in game development . I like your buildbox interface and it work Sooo Awesome.
Love You buildbox
Nice Software
Someone posted this method before me, to get your license key:
“…1: Sign into buildbox
2: Go to licenses
3 : Under buildbox 3 click details
your license key should show up there…”
It worked excellent for me. Hope this helps too.
Buildbox is excellent I like it. Thanks to Buildbox makers for making a nocode game engine and making it free and accessible.
I like it alot.
On the nodrs and scenes if i click it says upgrade to oro but surely free version allows sll access so how can i try this buildbox to its full capacity?
Buildbox 3 won’t open. I already used buildbox 2. Disinstall and reinstall builbox 3 and it is stuck in loading window, internal.exe not responding and then became all black and if iclick on the window crash buildbox.
I’m facing exactly the same issue Didn’t find any solution so far.
I tried the template, when I tried to preview it, the play button works fine but I cannot see the characters or objects. When I click the debug mode in preview it shows wireframe.
Every time I open BB, it always has Network Error. Can’t connect to server. I always have to click retry several times.
I cannot use it in my 23″ monitor maximize, the pull-down menu does not work, but when I Restore Down it is good, I can pull down the menu File Edit, Add, etc.
I’m following the tutorial Beginner: Jump Avoidance and I cannot find the Defeat the option in the Add Brain Box. Did it change in the Free Version?
sir i install the buildbox free version, but when i try to open it then show an error, that says “MSVCP140.dll” files missing. but My PC already have this files. i try all method to solve this issue but i was fail. After every Solution i re-start my pc. totally i re-start my pc 4th time. But main thing is my windows already have this files so why showing this error.
Whenever I go to settings and put in my publisher id in the admob publisher Id box. It shows no internet and when I click submit, nothing happens. Please how can I fix this.
hello I’m trying to install buildbox free but I got an error
network configuration error buildbox
So, for a new user to Buildbox, what exactly does the 1 world restriction mean ? What is a world ?
well ) that was fast… Not even one start and errors already. I’ve manage to enter my license number and open buildbox once and that’s it. That’s a free version)) Sneak peak…
Please contact our support team at support@buildbox.com they can help resolve any issues.
When I started the program it says Please enter your license key. How to get it ? This is the free version.
when running the installed assembly
a window will appear below asking you to enter a license key, the cursor will blink with a request to enter an activation code. So where to get it?
You can find your license key by logging into the portal. Be sure to double check your spam inbox for emails too. If you’re still having trouble with login and activation please reach out to our support team by emailing directly at support@buildbox.com they’ll help you get activated.
Hallo Tiana, i have the question. I don’t have an license key. When logging into the portal. nothing happens.
1.Sign in to buildbox account.
2.Go to licenses
3.details button
4.copy the key
Thanks me later
So finally the skinny on “free”
1 world
no in-app purchases
fixed buildbox splash screen
No desktop export i mean why?)
1 ad network (ad mob)
And then it jumps to PRO at $500pa.
Indie was a MUCH fairer plan.
I hope you are keeping that?
I have registered myself for free build box but not received any activation key.how do i get it. It’s no use of installing BB.when no license key
This is the following email id i registered : enjoyfriends1995@gmail.com. kindly please look into it ## Build Box ##
i am really upset with your service. for so many days i have eagerly waited when is the free version get to see so that student like us are also able to build their simple dream games.
In case you haven’t figured it out yet:
1: Sign into buildbox
2: Go to licenses
3 : Under buildbox 3 click details
your key should show up there
Hope it helped :D
I registered for a Get Free Bb3 and now I’m still waiting for my activation license. Nothing yet is been two days now can you please please give me what you promised us.
My Email is obali.nu@gmail.com please kindly look into this
Check it in SPAM box, I got it there.
I’ve checked the spam and the only emails I got from buildbox are adverts only. Nothing about activation license there. How does this work?
You can also find your license key by logging into the portal. If you’re still having trouble with login and activation please reach out to our support team by emailing directly at support@buildbox.com they’ll help you get activated.
i had the same problem.. i wrote a mail to the team and they send me the serial for the free version.
try to do the same thing as me.
i hope it can help.
Be sure to double check your spam inbox. You can also find your license info by logging into the portal. For further assistance please email our support team at support@buildbox.com
Installed fine but missing features, example the Defeat brainbox component and the 3D Model component that allows you to change an objects colour. Following the Beginner Tutorial for a Jump game and componenets missing. Yet article says it is full version.
Same here sent an email to support but no reply yet
Now yes. With this free opportunity we will be able to play several games. Thank you the Buildbox team put it as free.
I got the Bb3 and I was so excited until I finished installing it and opening it for the first time.I run it as an administrator And all it does is show is a box written Buildbox underneath it just show Loading with a thingy going around and round and that’s all is doing. I’ve tried it two many times still the same. What should I do. Please help
(C500) – Unable to process request. Please try again or email support@buildbox.com if the issue persists
It’s like the “Get Buildbox Free” is not enabled after filling in my details
Please advise Tiana. Thanks
(D001) – An active license with email already exists,
but nothing came to my mail
same problem
There is a licenses page on the site where you can find the key and download. Also if you forgot password and can’t login on the site, there’s password reset functionality
where is that page?
It is broken!
Initial install and startup went fine but now when I try to start it I get “Auhtorization failed”
Submitting comment is also broken fyi
It is broken!
Initial install and startup went fine but now when I try to start it I get “Auhtorization failed”
(C500) – Unable to process request. Please try again or email support@buildbox.com if the issue persists
I didn’t receive email for activation????
why the license key for the free version does not come
Not able to signup.
(C500) – Unable to process request. Please try again or email support@buildbox.com if the issue persists
for free 3d buildbox
Very nice good job I am very happy
New free BB is asking me activation code ..why?
You’ll get activation code in the email
The same problem i have. :)
Getting error cs 500 unable to download….
Getting bellows error at signup time
(C500) – Unable to process request. Please try again or email support@buildbox.com if the issue persists
Authentication Failed warning when I open the program…please fix it..thanks
Doesn’t work! Now it just says “Loading…” forever without starting
why the buildbox asks for free saga activation code? Isn’t it free?
Its sent to your email
The software keeps crashing
I’m just a regular user. I don’t work for BuildBox. I had a few errors when I first installed but it started working after a few minutes.
Unable to download error is coming kindly resolve the issue.
i get this error
C:\Program Files (x86)\Buildbox3\internal.exe
An error occurred while trying to copy file: The source file is corrupted
Sign Up still not working.
Sign up is working now. If you’re still having trouble, please reach out to our support team at support@buildbox.com for assistance.
If you used your email to sign up for Buildbox newsletter that email doesn’t work for registration, it errors out. In case someone can’t create an account.
As you said Buildbox Free is supposed to have unlimited levels but now it is only 15 levels??
A lot can be done with 15 scenes. That’s why it’s free.
from what I remember scenes in BB aren’t levels (those are called worlds), they’re parts that get combined
Can you create this for iPad
same here but i think this is because website is updating and unless updated is not completed this will give error. we should try later .
i can’t sign up
I am unable to download Buildbox for free i keep getting an error that says unable to process sign in request would you know how to fix that.
Confirm also get error messages, lousy kept the timer from Germany in mind all the time and now it does not work
Please delete the double post thanks :)
Confirm also get error messages, lousy kept the timer from Germany in mind all the time and now it does not work