Introducing the Next Leap 3D Game Creation
Easily create amazing 3D games without coding. Only with Buildbox 3.0 Beta.

3D Game Development
It’s been 3 years in the making, and Buildbox has finally entered a completely new dimension. Literally. For the first time ever, you can now create fantastically beautiful 3D games inside of Buildbox. You’ll also notice it’s not like anything else out there. It wasn’t inspired by our competition, but instead our experiences while designing games, listening to our customers, and a passion for creating. We set out to build something completely unique. This is a product that rethinks how to create games, and it’s done in a way that only Buildbox can.

Easy Creation
For the first time ever, you can drag and drop to create unique and professional 3D games. In order to do this, we had to create many firsts. Everything from how the logic of games is built inside of Buildbox, all the way down to how you control the camera, or even swap between menus and worlds. As for gameplay, with Buildbox 3.0 you can create whatever your mind imagines. We’ve also included many optional presets, like the ones seen here to the left, to help you get started.

Asset Library
The Asset Library is a new feature that allows you to instantly drag and drop Smart Assets into your game. This has not been done in any other game development platform, and these Smart Assets have pre-created “brains” built inside that includes everything from new characters to keys and doors. Each of the these smart assets can be edited all the way down to the node structure or code, shared with friends, repacked and more. Look for new Smart Assets automatically downloaded into your software on a weekly basis, and all at no additional charge.

Now, you can create real logic in your Buildbox game without coding. Visual nodes let you build out the components of any character or object, and give you full control over your game. Buildbox 3 comes with dozens of nodes ranging from basic movement controls to if-then functionality and more. New nodes are constantly being created by the Buildbox team on a consistent basis so there’ll always be something new for your game. Use these nodes to build your own smart assets, and easily share them with friends.

Want the ability to create your own nodes? Now you can do that with our new scripting engine. We have a full API created in Javascript that allows even novice programmers to create insanely cool new nodes. Not only that, with our new .bbnode file format, we’ve made it extremely easy to share you’ve created to your friends and collaborators.

And that’s just the start
As you’ll find out, nearly every aspect of Buildbox has been reimagined with 3.0 Beta. You’ll be creating games a completely new way, while still playing around in a familiar setting. With new Smart Assets, Presets and Nodes being updated on a continual basis, Buildbox is becoming more than just game creation software… it’s becoming a platform.
With Buildbox, creating new games, characters, and worlds in full 3D is now as completely open. The limits have been removed. We’ve seen you push Buildbox 2.0 to beyond what we thought possible, and we cannot wait to see what you create with the full power of Buildbox in 3D.

BB Assets

ADs Api

Javascript API

Buildbox 3.0 Beta Comes Free With Any Buildbox Subscription.
Ready to create games in 3D? Join Buildbox Now: